For I am nothing, and there is no more I, all there is, is that which is, and that which is, loves. This is its song and for those who hear and feel this - be a beloved, live the wisdom of the monk and seek the truth of the masters, for that is what you really are and it’s my joy to have shared this with you.

Dhyan Vimal Ashram
The Divine InvitationA space for you to explore for yourself that which holds true as you, to follow the demand of yourself to what can be. The journey is of intelligence and not one of being authored by anyone, just a personal journey for oneself to oneself. It holds the community of all who seek this and live together in this promise of what one can be.
In the name of my masters, and the masters of the past, and the masters of the future, I bow and hold all of you who are my beloved in this, in my love I hold you. And I hold you so dearly that I hope you dissolve into it and disappear, for I do not know a greater act from my part than this, for the all of me and the all of the all, holds you, and know now this is love and this is how it acts.
Colombo, Sri Lanka January 2017

The key is to not just meet the man who is the guru, but to meet the guru itself, to have an encounter, to have that connection, that surrender. This is most seen when there is a deep surrender and a deep bowing that is unbroken, and in that this meeting happens, and that is all that is needed.
Dhyana Centre Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia April 2017

May I live in a way for everything I do, every beautiful thing I create shall glorify them and them alone, not me. That all that I do is to serve that without ever drawing any glory to myself. That’s the sangalpam I live by, that is how I walk into the temple.
May this body, this energy, this life force, this being be of service to That, to my gurus in every aspect and may that be to their feet.
Mayuranatharswami Temple, Mayiladuthurai July 2017

I bow to my siddhars, my gurus, my masters in which my very breath which is theirs, my very being is the service of their will, dance as their son, dance as their child, dance as their beloved, and lead the celebration of the glory of all the Fathers who have been and who now are still ruling.
Karuvurar Shrine, Brihadeeswarar Temple November 2014

Just, and Just, a servant I like to be,
which I am to all my Gurus,
for their feet is what I sought for all my life,
and the very life is for the feet of my masters,
for I am nothing but that which seeks the feet of that which is
the pure and the love, and the divine embodied,
for I die a thousand times, in just the sight of my master's feet,
and the compassion and kindness that he embodies
his sight will finish me for I do not hope for that,
for I have never been worthy of his sight
for all I seek is the sight of the Guru's feet and that
may the master see the back of my head while I serve his feet,
for I don't want his sight to be hurt by my face,
for I am not even worthy to serve his feet,
for I am nothing but a drop of his grace.
Sri Sattainathar Temple, Sirkazhi July 2017

There can never be anything else, and that which one comes to and attains in enlightenment is love, and it’s the same love everyone comes to and lives in. All my masters are love, they may appear different and have had different bodies and minds but they are all out of the same source. It’s like a wave, but all are in the same ocean and that wave is part of the ocean that is rising.
Dhyana Centre Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia April 2013

The real teaching is to see this helplessness and only when one sees this, something happens to the person and then the guru can come to help. Till then the master as far as I am concerned, and I am talking about myself, has no value at all. I am useless to anyone who has not come to this.
This is my truth too, only by the grace of my gurus, did this come to be, if not it’s something that is not within one’s doing.
Masilamaniswara Temple, Thiruvaduthurai June 2015

This is what it means to sit with the master. To sit with the master is to sit with him and get transformed. Just being with him, just in that energy, then you both come together. Suddenly in that togetherness you start getting transformed. That is why the ultimate technique is simply learning to be with the master. Just learning to be.
Dhyana Centre Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia May 2012

The nature of the sannyas is that their life is in dedication of enlightenment, in the dedication of the flowing of oneself and all. When one has given oneself to this and this is clear in one’s being, then all else becomes clear and all else just flows.
Frötuna Gård, Sweden September 2017

All masters live this and are this, they have learnt the way and live the virtue, and this is seen in their meditation, in their silence, in their way.
Tamil Nadu, India June 2016